Gelombang Cinta

Cobalah berteriak Cintaaaaaa...!!!
Gelombang suara mu itu akan selalu ada.
Dia melayang-layang dalam buayan atmosphere.
Bertemu, bersalaman mungkin juga sedang bercumbu rayu bersama kata yang serupa.

Cobalah berteriak sayaaaaaang...!!!
Getaran frekuensi mu berterbangan mengintari jagat raya.
Berputar-putar menaiki twiter sang buana.
Saling bertatapan dengan sesama kata yang entah dari mana dilontarkan.

Saat kata indah itu bertemu.
Apa mungkin dia memancarkan signal kepada masing-masing pemiliknya.
Sehingga mereka saling terpaut hatinya satu sama lain.
Menghasilkan getaran yang memilukan, menyayat, bergejolak, merobek bahagian dalam jantung.

Faktanya, entah kenapa jarak, waktu, keadaan, usia, keyakinan, ras, derajat, kedudukan, tampang, profesi, warna kulit, status dan seterusnya..dan seterusnya.

Tidak mampu membendung kekuatan yang ditimbulkan dari sebab tersebut.
Sebab itulah diatas tadi.
Begitu naturalnya hal itu terjadi, proses alam telah diatur oleh sang Maha Pencipta dengan segala kesempurnaannya.

Demi waktu dan Bintang-bintang yang memiliki cahaya terang.
Alloh lah sang maha Penguasa atas apa yang terjadi terhadap jiwa, raga dan cinta.
Maha Besar Alloh...Subhanalloh. (duz)


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The Social Network Movie – Facebook Movie

When word leaked out that Aaron Sorkin was writing The Social Network movie, a movie about Facebook, I did all I could to pretend that this was not happening. And now that David Fincher is in this particular project, I feel that I could no longer hit my “ignore” button.

This is a story about two friends – one a computer genius, the other a business expert – who began a website that became the fastest growing phenomenon in internet history. Three years later, one was suing the other for 600 million dollars (or 1/30th of Mark Zuckerberg’s worth). It’s a story about greed, about obsession, about our belief that all the money in the world can make us happy. But it’s also unpredictable, funny, touching, and sad. It gives us that rare glimpse into the improbable world of mega-success.

The Facebook movie starts out in a campus bar with a young couple. The guy is Mark Zuckerberg, a slightly cooler Bill Gates. The girl is Erica, his girlfriend. The two are having a conversation. Actually, they’re having five conversations because Mark can’t focus on one thing. He’ll occasionally backtrack into a previous conversation within the flow of the current conversation, all while preparing for the next conversation. He’s clearly smart as hell, but the habit makes him incredibly annoying. Add a side of selfishness and an order of condescension and we can see why Erica becomes more frustrated the longer the conversation continues. Mark is so into his own problems, in fact, that he’s completely blindsided when Erica breaks up with him.

Convincing himself that he could care less, Mark heads back to his Harvard dorm to do what any computer nerd does when he gets dumped by a girl he never should’ve landed in the first place. He starts blogging about it! “Blah blah blah, Erica’s the biggest bitch whore in the world…” But the dumping ignites Mark’s imagination and he comes up with an idea for a website – a sort of “Hot or Not” which allows Harvard guys to compare Harvard women against each other. His best friend Eduardo pops in to help him and they have the site live in less than an hour. Within half an hour after that, the site is so popular, it takes down the entire Harvard computer network. Though he manages to piss off a number of faculty (and Harvard women too), Mark earns some ivy league street creed and makes a name for himself (not easy to do on the hallowed Harvard grounds).

The stunt also brings Mark to the attention of Cameron and Tyler: two extremely rich and handsome brothers who are star members of the Harvard row team. Impressed by his creativity and speed, they want him to code their new website – an exclusive Harvard “Myspace-like” network. Mark digs the idea and agrees to help. Over the next month, however, he starts dreaming up his own variation of the site: a social networking experience built on exclusivity. His site would work like real life. Someone could only know your personal details if they were friends with you (unlike Myspace which at the time let anybody know anything about anyone). An exclusive network of friends. He called it “TheFacebook.”

He and his best friend Eduardo come up with the plan – Mark is geek patrol and glues his fingers to the keyboard, Eduardo is business-central and plots the site’s future. The coding wizard needs less than a month to build the site. It goes live a few days later and takes off like a Malibu brush fire. Within weeks everyone at Harvard’s using it. Cameron and Tyler, still in the dark about Mark’s secondary endeavor, are eagerly awaiting their website code. Imagine their surprise when “TheFacebook” shows up on every desktop in school. They demand Mark shut down the site but Mark’s already onto the next conversation. He expands into other Ivy league schools and continues to improve the interface. The success is both exciting and terrifying. Eduardo wants to be cautious and look for ways to monetize the site. Mark wants to grow and add more features.

It was only by chance then, that such a crucial juncture in the website’s existence fell upon the end of the school year. Eduardo had to go back to New York for an internship. Mark flew to Norcal to rub elbows with Silicon Valley. Little did either of them know that Mark was about to meet someone who would completely change the game.

Does the name Sean Parker ring any bells with you? Maybe yes, maybe no. For the record, Parker is the late nineties time capsule that blew the music industry wide open, exposing their ridiculous CD markups when he co-founded Napster. When he saw his gal pal toying around a website, “The Facebook, it’s as if his world began to change its shape from all angles. He called Mark and Eduardo immediately for a meet-up. A week alter, they met at a swanky NY restaurant arriving half an hour late. He just wanted the boys to know awesome they were. With that remark, he’s got places to be, so he’s up and gone as fast as he came, but not before casually dropping a suggestion: “Drop the “the” and just call it “Facebook.” “It’s cleaner,” Once gone, Eduardo turns to Mark. “What a douchebag,” Eduardo’s eyes say. But Mark’s googly giddy expression tells a different story.

Needless to say, Parker *did* want to crash the party. He just wanted to make sure Mark’s parents weren’t around (Eduardo) when he showed up with the keg. With Eduardo back in NY, Parker made his pitch: “What are you doing with that guy?” he demanded. “He’s holding you back.” The more Parker points out how little Eduardo is doing, the more things Mark gives Parker to do. And to Parker’s credit, he gets things done. Working for free, he takes Facebook international within three weeks. Mark eventually hires Sean without telling Eduardo, giving him a 5% stake in the company. When Eduardo finds out about the tomfoolery, he makes a bold statement and freezes the company bank account, potentially putting Facebook in major jeopardy. It’s the last straw. Mark and Parker trick Eduardo into signing a contract that screws him out of hundreds of millions of dollars, effectively firing him. In the process, a friendship is destroyed.

The script ends with a chilling and heartbreaking scene. It’s 3 years later, with Mark being sued by Eduardo, Tyler and Cameron, for the full 16 billion dollars the company is worth.

The Social Network movie is a either a modern tragedy or a modern success story depending on how you look at it. Imagine going from nothing to a billionaire in less than a year. How do you even grasp that kind of success? How do you live a normal life? How do you address the constant lawsuits that eat into your everyday existence? And how do you do this at 22 years old? When I was 22, just busy studying tons of lessons in preparation of my upcoming examinations. Either way, it’s fun to put yourself in Mark’s shoes and picture out how you’d handle the situations.

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Melestarikan Satwa Primata Indonesia

Posted: 04 Nov 2010 11:09 PM PDT

orangutan Borneo
Rabu, 3 November 2010 bertempat di IPB International Convention Center [ICC] Bogor dilaksanakan Kongres dan Simposium Nasional IV Perhimpunan Ahli dan Pemerhati Primata Indonesia [PERHAPPI].  Acara bertemakan "Melestarikan Satwa Primata Indonesia di Tengah Ancaman Perubahan Iklim Global" diselenggarakan oleh PERHAPPI, diawali dengan simposium yang dibuka oleh Direktur Jenderal Perlindungan Hutan dan Konservasi Alam [PHKA] Kementerian Kehutanan.  Dalam sambutannya Dirjen PHKA menyebutkan perlunya dukungan berbagai pihak untuk berpartisipasi aktif dalam kegiatan konservasi secara umum, dan melalui kegiatan konservasi satwa primata pada khususnya. "Pada saat ini ada lebih dari 1000 individu orangutan Borneo yang berada pada lokasi pusat rehabilitasi orangutan di Kalimantan yang sudah siap dilepasliarkan, namun terkendala ketersediaan lokasi yang memenuhi syarat bagi pelepasliarannya", jelas Dirjen PHKA.  Sementara diketahui bahwa Pemerintah Indonesia sudah mencanangkan bahwa pada tahun 2015 ditargetkan tidak ada lagi orangutan pada pusat rehabilitasi di Sumatera maupun di Kalimantan. Sehingga diperlukan upaya bersama untuk mencapai target tersebut.
Pernyataan Dirjen PHKA tersebut menggambarkan kondisi orangutan yang "terpaksa" direhabilitasi untuk dikembalikan ke habitat alamnya, untuk mengembalikan fungsinya yang hilang dalam kesatuan ekosistem.  Kebanyakan orangutan berada di luar habitatnya akibat "keterpaksaan", antara lain akibat diburu secara ilegal untuk diperdagangkan sebagai hewan peliharaan secara ilegal.  Maraknya perburuan dan perdagangan ilegal tersebut terjadi akibat masih adanya persepsi di masyarakat bahwa orangutan adalah satwa yang "lucu" untuk dipelihara dan dianggap "dapat" meningkatkan gengsi bagi pemeliharanya. Pendidikan konservasi untuk meluruskan pemahaman yang "bengkok" tersebut perlu dilakukan untuk mencegah, atau sedikitnya menekan "permintaan" terhadap orangutan sebagai satwa piaraan. Bentuk "paksaan" lainnya yang menyebabkan orangutan keluar dari habitat alaminya adalah adanya alih fungsi penggunaan lahan hutan yang menjadi habitat orangutan menjadi peruntukan lain, baik secara legal maupun ilegal.  Salah satu presenter dalam simposium menyebutkan bahwa 80% alih fungsi lahan adalah untuk perkebunan kelapa sawit.
Contoh di atas baru menggambarkan permasalahan untuk satwa primata orangutan Borneo di Kalimantan, belum lagi tantangan yang dihadapi oleh spesies orangutan Sumatera serta jenis-jenis satwa primata lainnya di Indonesia.  Dwi Nugroho dari WCS menyebutkan bahwa berdasarkan investigasi perdagangan satwa liar di wilayah pulau Sumatera bagian Selatan ternyata dari satwa liar yang diperdagangkan secara ilegal terdapat 64% adalah satwa primata (monyet ekor panjang, kukang, simpai dan lainnya) serta sisanya adalah jenis satwa lainnya.  Hal tersebut menggambarkan betapa besarnya tantangan dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan terkait konservasi satwa primata di Indonesia yang mesti melibatkan kerjasama multi sektor, baik Pemerintah, swasta, peneliti, perguruan tinggi dan masyarakat luas lainnya.
Dalam kesempatan simposium ini disampaikan presentasi yang dibagi dalam 4 sesi oleh para peneliti dan praktisi konservasi primata di Indonesia. Keempat sesi tersebut membahas topik yang cukup menarik, yaitu: ekologi dan konservasi satwa primata; perdagangan dan rehabilitasi satwa primata; primata dalam riset biomedis dan genetik; serta perubahan iklim dan konservasi satwa primata. Dalam kesempatan sore-malam hari dilakukan kongres PERHAPPI untuk laporan pertanggungjawaban kepengurusan periode terdahulu, evaluasi program dan kegiatan PERHAPPI serta pemilihan ketua PERHAPPI. Terpilih sebagai ketua pengurus PERHAPPI adalah Chairul "Uyung" Saleh [dari WWF].  Selamat berjuang bang Uyung, kami mendukungmu.
Anda tertarik untuk berpartisipasi secara aktif dalam konservasi satwa primata di Indonesia? Semua bentuk partisipasi Anda sangat membantu menentukan masa depan konservasi secara umum maupun konservasi satwa primata pada khususnya.  Bergabunglah menjadi anggota PERHAPPI.
[ teks © TNGGP | gambar ©kus-BOSF | 112010 | kuswandono ]
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Gunung Merapi Meletus Dahsyat

Gunung Merapi meletus lagi, Sabtu dini hari tadi, 30 Oktober 2010. Letusan kali ini terbilang dahsyat, diikuti hujan abu yang berlangsung lama.
“Dini hari tadi Merapi meletus, sekitar pukul 01.16 WIB,” kata Kepala Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi, Surono, saat dihubungi VIVAnews.

Surono menggambarkan kejadian saat letusan dini hari tadi. “Tinggi asap 3,5 kilometer, warna hitam, masyarakat panik. Seramnya seperti itu,” kata dia.

Paniknya masyarakat, tambah Surono, diakibatkan letusan besar yang terdengar dari arah Merapi. “Masyarakat belum pernah mendengar Merapi bikin petasan sebesar itu.”

Sementara ini, ledakan semalam tidak berpengaruh pada kondisi gunung teraktif di dunia itu. “Nggak masalah, Merapi tetap aktif, tetap gagah,” jelas Surono.

Sesaat setelah letusan dini hari, hujan abu dahsyat menyapu ke segala arah. Semburan dari puncak Merapi terjadi selama 22 menit ke arah barat daya menuju Pakem, Kali Boyong, dan Kali Krasak. Warga semakin panik karena radius hujan abu mencapai 20 km.

Suasana di sekitar jangkauan letusan sangat hiruk pikuk dan kacau. Karena warga coba mengungsi sejauh mungkin menggunakan kendaraan yang ada.

Menurut keterangan Staf Khusus Presiden Bidang Bencana Alam, Andi Arief, abu vulkanik malam ini sampai ke kilometer 19 di Kaliurang. “Arah muntahan Merapi ke arah barat, Magelang, dan sekitarnya.”

Ini adalah letusan kedua Merapi. Sebelumnya pada 26 Oktober lalu, Merapi memuntahkan awan panas dan abu. Saat itu, 35 orang tewas termasuk juru kunci Merapi, Mbah Maridjan, dan wartawan, Yuniawan Wahyu Nugroho. Yuniawan tewas saat mencoba menjemput sang penjaga Merapi.

Bandara Ditutup Pukul 05.30 WIB
Kali ini hujan abu juga berdampak ke sektor penerbangan. Bandara Adisucipto Yogyakarta sempat ditutup. Petugas bandara, Reni, mengakui bandar udara internasional itu memang sempat ditutup, tepatnya pukul 05.30 WIB sampai pukul 07.05 WIB.

“Bandara ditutup sekitar 1,5 jam,” kata Reni ketika dihubungi VIVAnews. “Runway [landasan] tertutup debu sehingga penerbangan dihentikan.”

Setelah dibersihkan, bandara dibuka kembali. “Tadi mulai pukul 07.05 WIB dibuka, sudah ada boarding,” tambah dia.

Sebelumnya, Kepala Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi, Surono menjelaskan setelah Merapi meletus, asap hitam membumbung tinggi. Warga panik karena hujan debu dan bunyi ledakan yang luar biasa keras. “Masyarakat belum pernah mendengar Merapi bikin petasan sebesar itu.” [VivaNews]
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Bencana , WABUP boyolali malah plesir ke BALI

Boyolali - Saat ini terdapat sekitar 20 ribu Boyolali mengungsi karena erupsi Merapi. Namun justru pihak yang paling berwenang mengurusinya saat ini sedang nglencer ke Bali dengan alasan kunjungan kerja.

20 Ribu orang tersebut berasal dari sejumlah desa rawan becana Merapi di tiga kecamatan di Boyolali, yaitu Kecamatan Selo, Kecamatan Musuk, dan Kecamatan Cepogo.

Saat ini, Jumat (5/11/2010), mereka ditampung di 14 titik di dalam Kota Boyolali, yang telah berada di zona aman yaitu lebih dari 20 km dari puncak Merapi. Konsentrasi pengungsian terbesar adalah di pendopo kabupaten dan di GOR Boyolali.

Dalam kondisi seperti itu, wakil bupati dan Kepala Kesbangpolinmas Kabupaten Boyolali justru meninggalkan daerahnya yang sedang rawan. Padahal instansinya adalah yang paling berwenang menangani masalah bencana dan pengungsian.

Wabup, Agus Purmanto, berangkat ke Bali sejak 3 Nopember lalu bersama Kepala Bakesbangpolinmas Boyolali, Sumantri DM, perwakilan dari Humas Informatika dan Protokol serta seorang dari Setwan. Mereka mengadakan kunjungan kerja ke Kabupaten Jembrana untuk mempelajari e-vote atau pilkada elektronik.

Keputusan itu sebenarnya telah ditentang oleh pihak DPRD mengingat kondisi Merapi yang kian kritis. Bahkan Komisi I DPRD Boyolali yang semula juga diajak serta, kemudian memutuskan tidak bersedia berangkat.

Wakil Ketua DPRD Boyolali, Tanthowi Jauhari, mengkritik keras langkah yang dilakukan wabup dan Kepala Bakesbangpolinmas tersebut. Apalagi, lanjutnya, salah satu tupoksi Bakesbangpolinmas adalah menangani masalah bencana.

"Kami menyesalkan sikap wabup dan Kepala Bakesbangpolinmas yang tetap keras kepala berangkat kunker dalam kondisi seperti ini. Kami juga lebih menyesalkan lagi sikap bupati yang tetap mengijinkan mereka berangkat," ujar Tanthowi.

Alasan Bupati Boyolali bahwa sudah ada pembagian tugas yang jelas serta pemerintahan harus tetap berjalan meskipun ada bencana, dinilai Tanthowi sebagai alasan yang mengada-ada.

"Apa kalau mereka tidak berangkat ke Bali lalu mengurusi pengungsi lalu pemerintahan juga berhenti. Kami menghargai bahwa masalah e-vote itu bagian dari inovasi, tapi pendalaman tetntang itu sebenarnya bisa dilakukan lain waktu dalam kondisi daerah yang lebih tepat," lanjutnya.

Dia juga memaparkan saat ini banyak pengungsi yang tercecer dari keluarganya karena tidak komunikasi yang cukup. Bahkan saat ini ada 65 pengungsi yang harus dirawat di rumah sakit.

"Banyak relawan dari luar masuk ke Boyolali untuk menolong korban, tapi justru yang paling berwenang mengurusi justru tidak peduli," ujar politisi PAN tersebut.
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Bupati Boyolali: Mengungsi itu Hak Warga, Boyolali: Bupati Boyolali Seno Samudro menolak zona rawan yang ditetapkan Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Kegunungapian (BPPTK) sejauh 20 kilometer. Ia mengaku memiliki prosedur tersendiri penanganan pengungsi akibat erupsi Gunung Merapi.

"Kalau suruh mengungsi, kami siap. Tetapi kalau ada pembatasan zona rawan tentu saja kami tidak setuju karena justru membuat masyarakat menjadi panik," kata Samudro di Boyolali, Sabtu (6/11). Menurut dia, tidak perlu ada pembatasan delapan kilometer, 15 kilometer, atau 20 kilometer. Sebab, jika merasa keamananannya terancam pasti warga akan mengungsi ke tempat aman.

Samudro mengatakan, dirinya sudah memiliki prosedur tetap penanganan pengungsi dan itu yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi pengungsi daerahnya. "Kami tidak melakukan penjemputan masyarakat yang lereng Gunung Merapi secara paksa karena mengungsi adalah hak mereka. Kalau dipaksa, tetapi tidak mau, ya terserah mereka saja," kata Samudro.

Ditanya tentang jumlah pengungsi dari Kabupaten Boyalali, Samudro mengatakan, sampai Jumat (5/11) malam mencapai 33.400 orang. Tetapi Sabtu pagi bertambah dan kini sudah mencapai 40 ribu orang. "Kami bantu sekuat tenaga untuk meringankan beban pengungsi dan kami tidak membatasi mereka mengungsi sampai kapan, yang terpenting kondisi aman terlebih dulu," katanya.

soal permasalahan yang dihadapi pengungsi, Samudro mengatakan, pengungsi mengeluhkan soal keterbatasan tempat mandi, Cuci, dan Kakus (MCK). "Kita akan siapkan yang sifatnya tidak permanen karena kalau membuat baru atau representatif tentunya memerlukan waktu yang lama," katanya.

Soal dampak perekonomian akibat erupsi Gunung Merapi yang berada pada ketinggian 2.968 meter di atas permukaan air laut tersebut, dia mengatakan, yang jelas pasokan sayuran dari Kabupaten Boyolali ke beberapa daerah sekitarnya seperti Surakarta menjadi terhambat.

Dia mengatakan, selama arus pengungsian akibat erupsi Merapi ini, sudah terjadi aksi pencurian perangkat komputer di beberapa sekolah di Kecamatan Selo dan Cepogo. "Saya mendapat laporan dari petugas bahwa ada aksi pencurian terhadap komputer milik sekolah di sana, soal jumlahnya saya belum bisa menyebutkan," katanya. Ia menyayangkan aksi tersebut.(Ant/DOR)
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Krakatoa (Indonesian name: Krakatau) is a volcano near the Indonesian island of Rakata in the Sunda Strait. Location: 6° 6' 27? S 105° 25' 3? E. It has erupted repeatedly, massively and with disastrous consequences throughout recorded history. The best known of these events occurred in August 27, 1883.

The 1883 eruption ejected more than six cubic miles (25 cubic kilometres) of rock, ash, and pumice [1], and generated the loudest sound ever historically recorded by human beings — the cataclysmic explosion was distinctly heard as far away as Perth in Australia, and the island of Rodrigues near Mauritius. Atmospheric shock waves reverbrated around the world. Near Krakatoa, 165 villages were devastated, 36,000 people died and uncountable thousands were injured by the eruption, mostly in the tsunami which followed the biggest explosion.

The eruption destroyed two-thirds of the pre-existing island of Krakatoa. New eruptions at the volcano since 1927 have built a new island, called Anak Krakatau (son of Krakatoa

Origin of the name

The earliest mention of the island in the Western world was on a map by Lucas Janszoon Waghenaer, who labelled the island "Pulo Carcata." ("Pulo" is a form of pulau, the Indonesian word for "island".) There are two spellings, Krakatoa and Krakatau, that are both acceptable. Krakatoa is overall more common, although Krakatau tends to be favored by Indonesians. The origin of the spelling Krakatoa is unclear, but may have been the result of a typographical error made in a British source reporting on the sudden eruption of 1883.

There are several theories as to the origin of the Indonesian name Krakatau. It may have been an instance of onomatopoeia, owing to the sound of the many parrots that used to inhabit the island. Alternatively, the name may be a derivation from the Sanskrit word karkataka, meaning "lobster" or "crab". There is also a popular belief that Krakatau was mistakenly adopted when a captain of a visiting ship asked a local person what the name of the island was, and the latter replied by saying "Kaga tau", which is a Batavian (Jakartan/Betawinese) slang phrase meaning "I don't know". This last explanation is largely discounted (it closely resembles a famous linguistics story where, upon landing in Australia, a ship's captain asks the natives what a local animal is called, to which the chief replies, "Kanguru". The animal is called the kangaroo, and it is only later that the captain learns that "Kanguru" is local for, "What did you say?").

1883 eruption

Krakatoa had been dormant for two centuries before it began erupting on 20 May 1883. The eruption had been preceded by several years of noticeable earthquakes, some felt as far away as Australia. The eruption began with small steam eruptions on 20 May, and these continued for the next three months.

By 11 August, three vents were regularly erupting on the volcano. During this time tides were unusually high, and phenonema such as windows suddenly shattering were commonplace. Ships at anchor were sometimes tied down with chains as a result. 11 August saw the onset of larger eruptions, with ash-laden eruption columns being emitted by up to eleven eruption vents. 24 August saw a further intensification of the eruption, and the cataclysmic phase began on Sunday 26 August at about midday. Ash clouds from the eruption reached a height of 36km, and the first tsunamis were generated.

The 27 August eruptions occurred at 5:30 am, 6:42 am, 8:20 am and 10:02 am local time. The last of these eruptions opened fissures in the walls of the volcano, allowing sea water to pour into the subterranean magma chamber. The resulting phreatic explosion of superheated steam destroyed most of the island. The sound of the explosion was heard as far away as the island of Rodrigues near Mauritius, 4800 km away (3000 miles). It is the loudest-ever sound in recorded history. (A possibly louder sound is believed to have been generated during the 1815 eruption of Mount Tambora, also in the Indonesian archipelago).

Although no one is known to have been killed as a result of the initial explosion, the tsunamis it generated had disastrous results, killing some 36,000 people, and wiping out a number of settlements, including Telok Batong in Sumatra, and Sirik and Semarang in Java. An additional 1,000 or so people died from the effects of volcanic fumes and ashes. Ships as far away as South Africa rocked as tsunamis hit them, and the bodies of victims were found floating in the ocean for weeks after the event. There are even numerous documented reports of groups of human skeletons floating across the Indian Ocean on rafts of volcanic pumice and washing up on the east coast of Africa up to a year after the eruption.

The 1883 eruption was amongst the most severe volcanic explosions in modern times (VEI of 6, equivalent to 200 megatons of TNT — by way of comparison, the biggest bomb ever made by man, Tsar Bomba, had an explosive power of around 50 megatons). Concussive air waves from the explosions travelled seven times around the world, and the sky was darkened for days afterwards. The island of Rakata itself largely ceased to exist as over two thirds of its exposed land area was blown to dust, and its surrounding ocean floor was drastically altered. Two nearby islands, Verlaten and Lang, had their land masses increased. Volcanic ash continues to be a significant part of the geological composition of these islands.

There is some evidence that the final colossal explosion may not have been caused by the ingress of sea water. The magma chamber below the volcano was composed of light colored, relatively cool material. Following the 20 May eruption hotter, darker colored material entered the chamber from below. The new material heated the original molten rock, releasing dissolved gases, and increasing the pressure. The early eruptions on 25 August and 26th cleared the throat of the volcano, releasing the pressure in a cataclysmic explosion that destroyed most of the island. Pumice stone from the eruption shows a mixture of dark and light material.

Long-term effects

The eruption produced spectacular sunsets throughout the world for many months afterwards, as a result of sunlight reflected from suspended dust particles ejected by the volcano high into Earth's atmosphere. British artist William Ashcroft made hundreds of color sketches of the red sunsets half-way around the world from Krakatoa in the years after the eruption. In 2004, researchers proposed the idea that the blood-red sky shown in Edvard Munch's famous 1893 painting The Scream is also an accurate depiction of the sky over Norway after the eruption.

It has been suggested that an eruption of Krakatoa may have been responsible for the global climate changes of 535-536. Additionally, in recent times, it has been argued that it was this eruption which created the islands of Verlaten and Lang (remnants of the original) and the beginnings of Rakata - all indicators of early Krakatoa's caldera size.

Subsequent volcanism

Since the 1883 eruption, a new island volcano, called Anak Krakatau ("Child of Krakatoa"), has formed in the caldera. Of considerable interest to volcanologists, this has been the subject of extensive study since 1960. Additionally, it has also been a case study of island biogeography and founder populations in an ecosystem being built from the ground up, virtually sterilized, certainly with no macroscopic life surviving the explosion. The island is still active, with its most recent eruptive episode having begun in 1994. Since then, quiet periods of a few days have alternated with almost continuous eruptions, with occasional much larger explosions. Since the 1950s, the island has grown at an average rate of five inches (12.7 cm) per week. Reports in 2005 indicated that activity at Anak Krakatau was increasing [2].


The volcano has inspired several books and films.

The novel Krakatit (1924, ISBN 0685513386) by Czech writer Karel Capek, dealing with lethal menace of a fictional explosive, was inspired by the name of the volcano.
Krakatoa is the name of a short 1933 movie about the volcano that won the Academy Award for Best Short Subject, Novelty for its producer Joe Rock. This movie was notable for overwhelming the sound systems of the cinemas of the time. In Australia, the distributors insisted on a power output of 10 watts RMS as a minimum for cinemas wishing to show the movie. This was then considered a large system, and forced many cinemas to upgrade.
Krakatoa is the location of Professor William Waterman Sherman's adventures in the book The Twenty-One Balloons (1947, ISBN 0140320970) by William Pène du Bois, which won the Newbery Medal in 1948.
Time Tunnel episode "The Crack of Doom" aired in 14 October 1966.
The eruption is the subject of a 1969 Hollywood film entitled Krakatoa, East of Java starring Maximilian Schell. (The title is inaccurate; Krakatoa is actually located west of Java.)
Simon Winchester explores the eruption of Krakatoa in his book Krakatoa: The Day the World Exploded, 27 August 1883. (2003, ISBN 0066212855). The book examines the history of the region, the early spice trade, the growth of colonial governments, explains the geology of volcanos and describes in detail the series of eruptions and tsunamis and their effects around the globe.
The name of the living island Krakoa which battled the new X-Men called together by Professor X in Giant-Size X-Men #1 is obviously derived from the real Krakatoa.
The Doctor implied that he had encountered Primords at Krakatoa some time prior to the Doctor Who serial Inferno.
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Migrant Raptor, A Beautiful Prey as Environment Parameter

Posted: 14 Oct 2010 12:06 AM PDT
By Dianing Kusumo, PILI Green Network October – October 10, 2010

Have you ever see and think how does the bird or raptor do their migrant behavior? How do they  put themselves in the sky and nature? To understand and get more info about this raptor, RAIN (Raptor Indonesia) held Monitoring and identification Migrant Raptor Technical Training Workshop 2010 (9-10 October 2010), as a part form Raptor Migration Festival. This workshop contain info about raptor, the type of raptor, how does the usual habit, and many info about how to monitoring the raptor. This training was held to give a base skill for beginners, but it also open for any people who has an interesting to monitoring raptor as a hobby. But for the student here, who mostly take participate here, basically, this training aim to support the needs of basic info before the raptor monitoring. Also, there's a hope from the coordinator of this workshop, Asman Adi Purwanto, said that it also can be a capacity building and to grow other people interest on raptor, not only for the student but also people who do this activity as hobby. Based on Asman opinion, this raptor monitoring activity rarely put attention from students or researcher, because rarely people can get research publication to support the raptor migrant status. Since this workshop not only for the raptor lovers, but also for people who really want to get more info about raptor. Just like Yuria Oyama from Japan, Chiba. She has a background as bird scientist, and on this training she can figure it out what's more different from birds and a bird of prey or raptor. On the second day, the participant will go to Puncak, to monitoring the raptor migrations. This raptor, has already fly from other region. And it probably came from Japan and China. Mr Kuswandono form Gunung Gede National Park, explain why does this monitoring activity consider important activity. Because this raptor will fly to other warm place if there's any food. But if it not, then they would not migrant through this area. " So this area can be an environment parameter, that's why, we can consider this activity is important", Just like Mr Kuswandono said. But on the other hand, we can see this activity rarely happen, not only because the equipment took high prices but also there's a community among raptors lover's but they just link it with their group. And there are no publication about this activity. "If there's any exchanging info about raptor amongs raptor monitoring group, I believe that will be a good chance to spread other information to other group", Kuswandono said. At least today, we know that the migration of raptor can help us to monitoring the environment. Just like any other tagline we use to se, to save the nature, we also save the fauna also the ecosystem inside it. More Info Please Contact: Asman Adi Purwanto: 081319633321 or Email: [source]
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